
Yes. Yes, you can put lists inside your lists. And lists inside those lists. There's probably a point where its no longer useful or fun, but SimplyEdit doesn't mind.

Pulldown menu's

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
    <ul class="nav" data-simply-list="menu" data-simply-sortable data-simply-path="/">
        <template data-simply-template="Submenu">
            <li class="submenu">
                <a data-simply-field="link" href="#">about</a>
                <ul class="submenu" data-simply-list="submenu" data-simply-sortable>
                            <a data-simply-field="link" href="#">bio</a>
        <template data-simply-template="Item">
                <a data-simply-field="link" href="#">music</a>

This allows you to make a menubar with optional pulldown submenu's. For a third level, just repeat the same trick in the ul.submenu. For a fully responsive pulldown menu example, go to this codepen:

Unlimited nesting of lists

Or how to re-use templates. You can make a pulldown menu that has no depth limit. For that to work, we need a way to reference a template inside a template. SimplyEdit allows this, but only for templates defined in the document body directly. So instead of defining the templates inside the list, define them in the document like this:

    <template id="submenu">
        <li class="submenu">
            <a data-simply-field="link" href="#">about</a>
            <ul class="submenu" data-simply-list="submenu" data-simply-sortable>
                        <a data-simply-field="link" href="#">bio</a>
                <template data-simply-template="submenu" rel="submenu"></template>

Then add the list like this:

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
    <ul class="nav" data-simply-list="menu" data-simply-sortable data-simply-path="/">
        <template data-simply-template="Submenu" rel="submenu">
        <template data-simply-template="Item">
                <a data-simply-field="link" href="#">music</a>

The Submenu template inside the list references the first template, with id 'submenu', using rel="submenu". Inside that template, it references itself. Now you can keep on adding submenu's as long as you like.

Cards in a content slice

<div data-simply-list="sections" data-simply-sortable>
    <template data-simply-template="highlights">
        <div class="highlights">
            <ul data-simply-list="highlights" data-simply-sortable>
                        <i class="fa icon" data-simply-field="icon"></i>
                        <h2 data-simply-field="title">Benefit 1</h2>
                        <div data-simply-field="description">A description</div>

The full example, including CSS, can be found at . The highlights template is a content slice that can be placed anywhere within the sections list. Each slice is the full width of the page.

Within the highlights slice is another list, called highlights as well. Here you can add a highlight card.

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