Edit all the things

SimplyEdit is more than just an HTML editor. It does not limit you to a single editable page field. Instead SimplyEdit allows anything to be editable. But only if you say it is.

This means you can create complex HTML structures to create responsive designs. And then you make only those parts that have content editable.

Now the person editing the page can forget about the complex HTML and just enter a few fields. There's nothing he or she can break, because those parts are not editable:

<div class="caption light animated wow fadeInDown clearfix">
    <h1 data-simply-field="title">Simply edit the web</h1>
    <p data-simply-field="subtitle">It's easy now</p>

This example has two editable fields, a title and a subtitle. The editor understands the rules of HTML. This means that the title can only contain inline elements. There is no way to insert a paragraph, div or - god forbid - a table.

The worst that can happen is that someone inserts a line break (<br>). The <hr> tag is untouchable and the classes on the <div> as well.


Editable fields aren't limited to HTML elements that can contain text. You can make a single image editable as well:

<img src="placeholder.jpg" alt="Alternate text"
     data-simply-field="A Picture">

The image source and the alt and title attribute are now editable.

If you need a link or button to always be there and look the same, but the target may change, you can create an editable anchor or hyperlink:

<a href="link.html" class="button" title="A title"
   data-simply-field="The button">Placeholder</a>

The href, title, name attributes and the text content are editable. You can also set the nofollow attribute.

Again, the classes on the anchor are fixed in the design. These cannot be changed. The text content is limited to inline styles only. You can fool around with bold, italic and underline. But you can't insert a <h1>.

If you want to allow an image to be linked, but prevent the user from removing the image and replacing it with HTML, do something like this:


<a href="link.html" data-simply-field="gallery item" data-simply-content="fixed">
    <img src="photo.jpg" data-simply-field="gallery picture">

Now you can change the image and edit the link, but you can't remove the image tag or add other HTML to it. This works with any kind of content, not just images.

Text only

Sometimes an element should just contain text. For example when adding bold, italic, underline or even links will undermine the design, or the data is used in other places. You can prevent all that by marking a field text-only:


<h1 data-simply-field="name" data-simply-content="text">A Title</h1>

FontAwesome Icons

Originally added as a gimmick and a test of the extendability of SimplyEdit, we found it just too useful to exclude.

<i class="fa" data-simply-field="icon"></i>

This will show a toolbar with an icon button. The button opens a dialog showing all the icons in FontAwesome. When you select one it will replace the existing one.

Note: You must not use the default fa-* classes, other than the basic class fa. SimplyEdit will insert the correct character directly in the content.

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